Don’t be blue; think pink!

Baby Blues comic

Sometimes it is difficult to know what to believe!

Ah, well, so much for my “weekly” post. Refer back to post 1 if you wonder why 1 week morphed into 4+ weeks. Call it a procrastination proclivity!  Hopefully you have been journaling about your thoughts, feelings and habits for lo these many weeks and you are ready to take one small step.  If your journaling has taken place primarily in your well-intentioned mind rather than on paper, no matter.  Small steps it is!

Cluttered desk

Get the garbage bag!

If you, like me, have ever been a casual reader of women’s, health, home, and/or self-help magazines, you have pretty much heard it all as far as “how to get more out of your walking routine,” “powerfoods that will transform your health,” “inexpensive ways to declutter your home and simplify your life,” etc, etc.  However, unlike the most recent installment of Women’s Day, we are going to use all that information to fit YOUR needs!  Here is your next move:  Look over your journal entries (or, you procrastinators who haven’t written anything, make some notes NOW)and highlight in PINK the things you have done well, and in BLUE the things you’d like to improve.  For example, if you usually sample the donuts left in the lounge or breakroom at work, but one fine Wednesday you resisted, that was a GREAT decision– highlight it PINK!  If you were comfy on the couch that soggy Saturday, but took the dog for a walk anyway– PINK!

Who would have thought it would be so easy to find pink dog images!

No, no, don’t highlight the DOG pink! Sheesh!

On the other hand, go ahead and identify areas in which your habits could improve.  For example, I tend to stay too late at work more days than I should, and I’m missing time with my daughter.  That is a BLUE note!  I go to bed too late. All those magazines say a lack of sleep contributes to belly fat– whoa!  That is definitely a no-go to highlight in BLUE!

I’ll be publicly admitting all sorts of my own bad habits as we blog along here at The Whooshing Sound.  You needn’t tell on yourself in public (though do feel free!), but rather, come up with a few small steps you can take to improve.  For example, perhaps I could schedule something specific with my daughter one or two afternoons a week so I am sure to leave work on time.  Or maybe she can just text me when she gets home so I know it is time to start wrapping things up at work.  What else?

Garfield comic sleepy

HAHA, I really feel this way! Really.

Just don’t suggest I get up earlier to get things done at work– some things are not going to change, especially if I don’t WANT to change them. So, work within your own realistic parameters.  Anyone care to share?

3 thoughts on “Don’t be blue; think pink!

  1. My blue: the time I spend on my phone (chatting, facebooking, texting, and emailing) that I should be spending with my children. It’s too hard to slow down and destress after a hectic workday. I need to turn it all off and play! That would totally PINK!

  2. I like the ideas for getting you home to spend time with your daughter. No surprises the comments about folks want to exercise more. I find walking with someone very helpful. I might blow off an appointment with myself but never an appointment with a friend, colleague or family member. Perhaps you could go for a walk together? Or make dinner together?

    I also do better if I tell others how I am trying to change and give them permission to HELP me. (whether they are encouraging or “calling me out” it still helps me be more consistent)

  3. By the way, let me just clarify that the messy room appearing in this post is NOT actually a room in my house! I’m not saying I don’t have clutter, but I’m certainly not going to post it online!!! 🙂

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